Safe drive

Better Chain of Responsibility with data during Transportation

Once the Best Practices are applied in the process, the Best Efficiency of materials, the Stability of Loading and Stowage in accordance with regulations, we lose control of the proper conduction of the carrier and subsequent racking.

SAFE DRIVE (R) is a Monitoring Service of a load throughout the entire supply chain. It is a data collection service in a random way about the movements that the load undergoes and to be able to discriminate what is an accident from a bad practice.

Obtaining detailed information with a resolution of 151 data per second we can, unequivocally and graphically, determine the events that have been aggressive for the cargo during transport, loading and unloading and that may have caused damage to determine the CoR (Chain of Responsibility ).

The SAFE DRIVE Service is an element controlled by the Quality Departments and placed in the Loading Units (usually a Pallet or Cage) in a random way to monitor what has happened from the moment we dispatch the load until the arrival at the destination center. Temperature control and humidity control is added to the accelerations suffered in the 3 axes X – Y – Z when it is considered relevant.

VALUEING issues the certified report with the events that occurred during transport and transfers to the destination. All this second by second.

The Hardware can be Owned or Leased according to the number of elements being monitored and the report is an exclusive service of VALUEING acting as a Third Party in the event of a dispute between the Shipper, Carrier or Logistics Service Provider.


VALUEING NEWS - Articles of Interest

Semipallets estáveis

As semipaletes (800 x 600 mm) estão a tornar-se cada dia mais difundidas e cada vez mais instáveis A altura da palete necessária, as telhas colunares...

Stable semi-pallets

Semi-pallets (800 x 600 mm) are becoming more and more common and more and more unstable. The required pallet height, the columnar tiles, the quality...

Semipallets Estables

Las Semipaletas (800 x 600 mm) cada día más extendidas y cada día más inestables La altura requerida del pallet, los mosaicos columnares, la calidad...