Pay per Pallet

The Latest Technology at known cost. FOREVER

When the Lay-out of the plant allows to make centralized palletizing centres and the number of pallets per year exceeds 100,000 units, the best TCO (Total Cost Ownership) is found questioning all aspects. Our knowhow will deliver a contained cost without immobilizing capital and at a cost linked to the number of units.

In the contract, we establish the qualitative parameters of load stability in a measurable way and the bill on a monthly basis for only those perfect pallets at a fixed rate per finished pallet.

Pay per Pallet includes:

  1. Initial Investment
  2. Best practice
  3. Consumable
  4. Preventive Maintenance
  5. Corrective maintenance
  6. Civil liability


VALUEING NEWS - Articles of Interest

Semipallets estáveis

As semipaletes (800 x 600 mm) estão a tornar-se cada dia mais difundidas e cada vez mais instáveis A altura da palete necessária, as telhas colunares...

Stable semi-pallets

Semi-pallets (800 x 600 mm) are becoming more and more common and more and more unstable. The required pallet height, the columnar tiles, the quality...

Semipallets Estables

Las Semipaletas (800 x 600 mm) cada día más extendidas y cada día más inestables La altura requerida del pallet, los mosaicos columnares, la calidad...